Thursday, February 22, 2007

In Support Of Peace

Got the Links from the Anonymous Liberal:

I dont usually do petitions, especiall ones I found on another blog, but these seemed important. The fine folks at Anonymous liberal make a good point. If these petitions are to influence public debate they need to be seen by is many as possible. Here is my humble little help.

The first, launched by General Wesley Clark, is intended to halt the slide toward war with Iran. Here's General Clark, in his own words:

All Americans want to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons and interfering on the ground inside Iraq.

Yet, President Bush's continued saber rattling gives the US little additional leverage to engage and dissuade Iran, and, more than likely, simply accelerates a dangerous slide into war. The United States can do better than this.

Whatever the pace of Iran's nuclear efforts, in the give and take of the Administration's rhetoric and accusations, we are approaching the last moments to head off looming conflict. Surely, it is past time to urge President Bush to exercise leadership and start to work now to avoid a widening of the conflict in the Middle East.

That's why today, I'm joining Jon Soltz, Chairman of, the preeminent organization representing Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, to launch
At the website, you can sign the petition and send a personalized email to the White House.

Also sign Barack Obama's petition supporting the Iraq War De-Escalation Act, at his website, here.


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