Angelina Jolie 3
- After consumation of the sex act, Angelina devours her mates.
- Angelina Jolie’s doctor takes her temperature with a Kelvin thermometer.
- Angelina can start brushfires by walking across grass.*
- Dolphins and whales frequently beach themselves in an attempt to see Angelina suntanning.
- Angelina Jolie is being deployed to Afghanistan. The mere sight of her will cause Al Qaida members to die from their unstoppable erections.
- Every poet who has tried to describe her lips has died from the impossibility of finding the proper adjectives.
- Global warming occurs every time Angelina Jolie does a shower scene in a movie.
- Old Faith isn’t a geyser; it’s the Earth ejaculating from the mere presence of Angelina Jolie.*
- Angelina’s thighs can squeeze coal into diamonds.*
- So can her lips.
- “Don’t rock the boat” does not apply to Angelina Jolie. She rocks every boat.
- Angelina Jolie’s lips can be used as a flotation device.
- After Angelina Jolie was born, 50% of the world’s hottest women committed suicide out of respect.
- Helen of Troy launched a 1,000 ships. Angelina Jolie slept with every one of the sailors.
- Marilyn Monroe died so Angelina could show the rest of the women how it’s done.
- Angelina Jolie taught Jell-O how to wiggle.
- Angelina Jolie’s pictures have never appeared on “Am I Hot or Not?” Their rating scale doesn’t allow exponents.
- Angelina once did her Kegel Exercises in the Pacific Ocean. The resulting tsunami left thousands of Sri Lankans homeless.
- Hard water is caused by Angelina Jolie bathing in it.
- Sex asks Angelina for tips.