Thursday, March 22, 2007

Self Promotion!

I never once thought about blogging for recognition of any kind, so its always surprising to me when I find that anyone out there cares about my posts. I am not going to lie, through FeedBurner, I have a strong grasp of about how many people do read my blog, our small but dedicated brotherhood. Every now and then I get suprised by some things. I have blogged before that I have added my site to the "Great Wall" at FuelMyBlog. Well through the dedication of my readers I have been in the top ten entertainment sites on the site before. Well, we have made it to the top! As proven by the graphic above, I have the #1 entertainment blog on that site, and I have all of you to thank. Awesomeness.

The other graphic is a benchmark I personally find amusing. To me you know you have made it on the web when people can find your site by an easy Google Search, and doing such a search I find that I am easily visible on the first page of results. Neato. Maybe you find this less exciting than me but I am pumped.

Hope you all are having as good a night as me.


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