Sunday, March 11, 2007

La Gloria Cubana Corona Gorda

6" X 52, Natural

Unfortunately this cigar does not add up to a full bore fancy pants review. Please don't get me wrong, this cigar is not BAD. Its decent. It looked okay, prelight draw was good. Had some decent prelight notes. Tang and Leather. The burn was good, though the draw wasn't as forgiving as I would like, but not horrible. The smoke tasted of more of that tang and leather of the prelight (actually quite a LOT of that tang, to distraction, and to the detriment of the stick), and a little bit of spice but not much. Also the cigar did not develop at all. Bummer.

None of these things were horrible on their own, but add it all together and you get a thoroughly mediocre cigar. Meh.


1 comment:

Jeebus said...


i'll stay away from those