Tuesday, September 11, 2007


In the Months and Years since this tragedy has befallen upon my home country, all kinds of politics and personal opinions have gotten in the way of the most important facts. On this day of remembrance I want to bring to the forefront what I feel is the one thing that should never be forgotten. God Bless the men and women on the NYPD & FDNY ( and in a larger sense any FD or PD) that put their lives on the line every day to keep us all safe. These are some incredible people, and humble, saying that it is just their job. Well I say that you cannot compliment these people enough. I move we that if we make 9/11 a holiday or a day of rememberance that it should be on to remember all the hard work Policemen and Firemen do every day, and how selfless they can be in trying to keep us safe, as embodied so memorable by those NYPD and FDNY on that horrible day. Surely this is something worth remembering.


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